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現在地 トップページ > 国際交流センター > 米国オースティン?ピー州立大学の皆さんが来訪されました



印刷用ページを表示する 2022年12月20日更新




 In December 2022, Dr. Marissa Chandler and Dr. David Rands and eight students from Austin Peay State University (APSU) in the United States, with whom PUH has the academic and educational exchange agreement, came to Hiroshima.

 Some PUH students visited Miyajima Island and Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum with the delegation, and were able to show them the attractions of Hiroshima while enjoying an exchange of views with APSU. During their visit to PUH, they also exchanged opinions with President Morinaga, and it was confirmed that student exchanges between the universities would continue actively in the future. A tea ceremony was performed by members of the tea ceremony club, and the APSU students were able to experience Japanese culture, including tatami mats and matcha tea, for the first time.

 学長表敬 茶道